Sunday, August 08, 2004

New York City is under an organge terror alert, the Republican convention is less than two weeks away. I am in Binghamton, NY this weekend(August 8th, 2004) in the Embassey Suites(Vestal) hotel where middle American is being fed a diet of terror warnings and terror arrests by Fox cable news network. It seems like the Republicans are raising the terror ante just in time for their big show. Wouldn't be surprised in Osama shows up as captured, any day now.

Apparent political strategy: Scare people with the warnings and comfort them with success stories.

Does it work?
In middle American, the threat of a terrorist act is remote and life is good. Judging by reactions of the casual glances at the television most are getting message or could care less, too busy chatting and enjoying their continental breakfast and tending to children scampering about.

The Demograhic: For this slice of America that can afford a $90/night hotel room life is very good and the promise to preserve what they have will win their vote. They are 95% white. America works well for these folks. Everyone looks clean and well pressed with the latests shorts and sport shirts from JC Penny. You've got the occassional obese person. The kitchen helper is African-American.


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